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Endless Zombie Tower - Coloring

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Status: Closed (Last update 2/14/2021 10:16:46 AM UTC)

I can 't see the difference in reds while on the menu.

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#4 - [NoserverStudios] 2/7/2021 5:30:56 PM UTC
We will close this request within 7 days. If problem persist: Describe more details and answere questions below, please. Thanks.

#3 - 2/4/2021 6:11:42 AM UTC
Let the colors be, i like the atmo!

#2 - 2/3/2021 8:24:02 PM UTC
Your screen not setup right maybe? I see mouse-over-effects and so...

#1 - [NoserverStudios] 1/31/2021 5:39:17 PM UTC
Hey there and thanks for your report. You mean the button-color difference of the current active button and the other buttons, doesn't you?
